® "VortexHealing" is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman.  All rights reserved.  Used here with permission.  For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org'

johnny klein

Intuitive Energy Healer & Coach

VortexHealing®: Divine Energy Healing
Spiritual Guidance
Enneagram Workshops

  • Johnny klein

    Intuitive Energy Healer & Coach

    Individual Sessions

    Group Healings

    Enneagram Workshops

    for multi-dimensional healing and inner awakening

the way i work

  • Awaken

    Bring loving awareness to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that keep you from living life freely

  • Transform

    Allow the magic of Divine energy and consciousness to transform your experience

  • Integrate

    Integrate what you’ve learned with practice and creative guidance

upcoming courses

The Energetic Enneagram
May 2024 - January 2025

a monthly series of workshops and healings


Magical Jewel July 13, 14

Follow up Group Healing July 20


“The extent to which we are identified with our superego, which is to say the extent to which we believe that this inner voice is real and necessary, rather than a kind of inner holographic illusion, is the extent to which our unfoldment is blocked.” – Sandra Maitri

Most of us would like to experience more peace, especially in these times. The challenge is, we have this incessant inner voice that constantly judges our experience—what we are thinking, feeling and doing, while berating us about how things should be. What is more, we think this is the right way to relate to ourselves, and that it is for our own good. When we begin to feel into this hurtful and evaluative mode of being, we notice an underlying state of anger that rejects some aspect of ourselves or our experience, refusing to allow and love what is.

Magical Jewel Workshop & Healing 

GROUP A: Saturday, June 13 from 11am-12:30pm PT

GROUP B: Sunday, June 14 from 4-5:30pm PT

Cost: $40

Group Healing

Saturday, June 20 from 11am-12pm PT

Cost: $30

Individual Sessions at a reduced rate

(Open to group participants only. Email me for a special link to sign up.)

Cost: $108

Wizard Practice Group

Monday, July 22 from 5-6:30pm PT

Cost: $25


Sign up to learn more about special offerings, future events, and more.